Saturday 23 January 2010

Phra That Kham Kaen.

Located on Highway Kalasin, Khon Kaen. From city hall about 12 km across the Nam Phong Lam left for another destination is 14 km measured Ehtii T. Ban Kham Muang Nam Phong landscape.
Temple, a sanctuary located in Khon Kaen key pair. "Phra That Kham Kaen" people Kaen and nearby provinces in the northeast sector is regarded. Phra That Kham Kaen is the point count mentally. And honorable Property sanctuary northeast another pair. In addition to his Tatupnm Mon Phra Nakhon Phanom and Sakon Nakhon Mon-oriented community.
Said that the history. After approximately 3 years nirvana Buddha Maha Vegas Inc. cover and Etra. His industry has brought to the nest c elements enshrined at Phu orphans. The wishes of King Buddha. Then meeting with Ong 500 Buddhist saint prince in a variety of factors You Reap Angkor Ta Phraya prince brown prince Suwrrnpingcar Nant line. Phraya Pichai Company and parental Mrigadat want. Is Sasnoptampk. Buddha Tatupnm to build up. News of his Tatupnm create this great news. Because of the size in Tech Valley. Located in the territory of Cambodia today is far from the mountain to the orphans. Is the other billion. Line to see news.
Mori ย king. Prefect Tech Valley. Wish to be asked to Praagcar Buddha has done it. Time when the new Buddha nirvana. Been included in his Tatupnm with King Ang c element with. His favorite saint is the best glass. His sorcerer ษี North Waterfront. Buddhist saint cars Gandhi Etra God and prince primate and 9 after the green. His procession leader invite this element.
When Don came to Tamarind is one of the smooth terrain. The creek is split. Water flow around the hill with a big tamarind tree standing dead, but long and left nucleus from one. Because the sun is at dusk fit. Committee invite relics of this truce. Until dawn, so leave the mountain to orphans. When the orphaned mountain appears that Buddha was completed Tatupnm not able to bring relics to be packed into each other is to take worship relics then go back. Intend to bring relics to be enshrined into their original state.
But when Don tamarind through again. It appears that death was the tamarind kernel. Back ยืนต้น benefit. Ramify branch green magically. Committee invite Phra see premonition so. Therefore decide to create staple tamarind tree cover from the Chedi it. With the relics and Buddha. Created by glass rings gold contained within เเ My Buddha relics with them they would all settle down housing of Japan in the same area this. And later when the Buddhist saint and 9 to attain the life expectancy has created a small relics are east of Big Buddha relics. To contain relics of the Buddhist saint, called Phra least 9.
This old house in Kham wasteful to many people until the year 2332 in Pan jew's harp. Suvarnabhumi prefect. The city has moved to set the lagoon Bon. Government areas or old. Muang Khon Kaen today. The city has signed premonition that "Khon" as a city within a tower. In addition to relics then. Book also contains nine Solo Tokyo policeman want fair. Witchcraft and praise Buddha called "Bwr for you," it also.
Phra Ong Kham area currently subject was restored by the Fine Arts Department under the Office of Archeology and National Museum at 7 Kaen improved paint Buddha relics. Expand the area from the defensive wall and the 4 Buddha relics to go wide. Improve the pavement area in front of Buddha relics to the beautiful scenery. Every 6 months Wannepey celebration relics are fearful heart. The annual event.

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